Our Curriculum

Our carefully planned curriculum is rich in language with reading and core texts at the heart of all learning. The children are immersed in a language rich environment to support their vocabulary development and promote a wide range of strong oracy skills. We recognise that all children are unique and come to us with a wide variety of life experiences and opportunities and we believe that every child deserves the best starting points in their education. We celebrate and welcome differences and support the children as needed.

We are always striving to support families in our school community by building strong partnerships with parents and carers. Community involvement is an integral part of our curriculum as we celebrate local traditions, learning new skills to enable our children to play an active role in their community. Our EYFS offers places to children to enter in our Nursery provision and through to the end of Reception.

Throughout their time in EYFS, the children develop a sense of belonging to our school community, ready to transition into Year 1 and beyond. At West End it is our intent that all children develop physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally in a safe, nurturing and secure environment. We are an extended family that works together to ensure every child reaches their full potential. We prioritise Communication and Language, Personal, Social & Emotional Development, Self Regulation and Physical Development in our Nursery Provision, as we recognise their importance to all other areas of learning and well-being.

The Early Years are a crucial time for developing children’s love of learning, their engagement and motivation. Staff know the children well and plan following their interests. The needs of this age group are met through a well-planned play based approach to learning and development. Our school’s values, curriculum drivers and ethos of ‘YES I CAN’ are embedded in our EYFS Aims.
Our carefully planned, evidence based curriculum and its delivery of high quality interactions ensures that children make good progress from their starting points. The impact of our curriculum is reflected in the happy, confident and resilient children that transition into Year 1 at the end of their time in the EYFS. We measure learning and progress across the year through formative and summative assessments which are based on practitioner knowledge of the child and their individual learning journey. We strive to maintain and improve our percentage of children achieving a good level of development at the end of Reception, regardless of a child’s starting point and are broadly in line with the national expectations.

We give children the best possible start to their education to ensure they succeed as they move to Year 1. Early Years practitioners work closely with the Year 1 teachers to plan for the final term of learning within Reception. This ensures the children are fully prepared for their next stays and ensures a smooth transition.