
If your child is absent please ring the office or email before 9:15am to inform school of the reason. To safeguard all of the children the registers are checked every morning by Mrs. Markham-Lee (School Business Manager)  and follow up calls are made as necessary.

If your child has suffered from vomiting please keep them off school for 48 hours from the last time of vomiting. This will prevent the spreading of any sickness bugs to any children.

Each week we celebrate good attendance and punctuality as part of our Golden Assembly. We give certificates and treats for good attendance and punctuality.


Leave of absence:

Just a reminder that, in line with the Government expectations, we are unable to authorise absence for holidays taken during term time, other than in exceptional circumstances. It is still essential that you inform us if you intend to take your child out of school for any circumstance and a leave of absence form is available below or from the school office.

 If your child is going to be late......

° If you know in advance about a medical appointment which will make your child late for school, please make the office aware of this so that we can put the correct mark in the register.

° Children who arrive after 8:55am must be brought to the main reception. In the office you will be asked your child's name and the reason why they are late.

° If a child is persistently late you will receive a letter from Miss Ward.

Medical Appointments

If your child has a medical appointment and needs to be collected from school early please notify the school office. Also if you have evidence of the appointment such as an appointment card or letter, please let us have a copy for your child's records.