Characteristics of Effective Learning

Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning
At West End Primary School, we encourage children to demonstrate their attitudes and behaviours to
learning through the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning. Our skilled staff deliver high quality interactions and focus on embedding the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning and explain the children’s ways of learning during play opportunities. The children are encouraged to discuss and share how they have been learning. 

Playing and Exploring – Engagement
* Finding out and exploring
* Playing with what they know
*Being willing to ‘have a go’

Active Learning – Motivation
* Being involved and concentrating
* Keeping trying
* Enjoying achieving what they set out to do

Creating and Thinking Critically – Thinking
* Having their own ideas
* Making links
* Choosing ways to do things
This has become a whole school approach towards promoting a 'Growth Mindset' ensuring the children persevere and develop resilience when faced with a challenge!